First Appointment Overview
90 Min $195
120 Min $220
Having a consultation for your first visit is essential. Not only do we go through your Medical History forms together, but we discuss how the symptoms and issues you are coming in for relate to the world of traditional Chinese medicine. I feel it is important to share how the medicine works, and per my experience, when the person has a better understanding of this abstract healing modality, their consciousness shifts, and healing begins. What I do in my healing practice is extensive, and someone ‘new’ to these types of treatments can be a bit overwhelmed by the depth of information coming at them. Therefore, I offer an extended consultation for more questions.
First Appointment Expectations
The 1st visit will range from 90–120 minutes. Thereafter, most treatments are approximately 75 minutes. Here is what we will cover in your first session:
- Discuss your medical history
- Introduction to the Ancient Wisdom of Chinese Medicine
- Discuss how it works
- Determine your treatment protocol for follow‑up sessions
After Healing Session
Rest, relax, and follow your body’s own inner wisdom. After each treatment, the body requires some ‘downtime’ in order to acclimate to the intended energy shifts. Just as if you finished a marathon, your body needs time to recuperate. Acupuncture is an energetic workout, and the best results are 12 to 24 hours following the treatment. Patients have reported feeling lighter and more relaxed with increased energy in the hours following their treatment.
Does My Insurance Cover Acupuncture?
It might?! Most insurance companies acknowledge Acupuncture to be a viable medical healing modality and cover varying amounts depending on a few factors, the most important of which is your carrier and individual policy.
The only insurance company I am in-network with is CIGNA, and will take care of the billing services for treatment. Otherwise, I am an out-of-network provider.
Insurance billing can be complicated, especially for out-of-network policies. However, in some cases, it makes sense depending on the details of the policy and is worth a conversation. Insurance policies pay per unit of treatment, per modality. For this reason, the fee schedule for insurance is calculated differently, taking into consideration the billing process, set-up fees, and the time it takes for a follow-up to make sure the claim is paid correctly. Lastly, the codes of who covers what is different across the board make insurance billing a hand-holding process. For out-of-network policies, there are two options. I can give you a SUPERBILL similar to a receipt for services, allowing you, the patient, to submit to insurance for possible reimbursement. Superbills include: procedure codes (CPT) and diagnosis codes (ICD) codes in 15-minute increments. Every insurance company has its own ‘claim form’ that must be used. I am happy to walk you through the process. The second option is billing for Out-of-network policies. Out-of-network policies generally have a much higher deductible and work on a coinsurance (verses copayment basis - % of). Depending on the details of the policy, it will be determined upon receiving your insurance verification: Out-of-Network Deductible information, number of visits, and copay/coinsurance amounts ONCE your out-of-network deductible has been met. Need help? If you are not sure how all this “insurance stuff” works, please send me a text or voicemail, and I will be happy to set up a time to explain the process; We will be able to determine the details of your policy, and if billing your insurance for treatment makes sense. I do not currently accept Medicare. *Any services or procedures not covered by insurance are the responsibility of the patient.* In order for my billing company to verify your acupuncture insurance benefits, we will need the following: Photo ID, physical address, and a copy of your medical insurance card front and back. You can either email or text this info along with your contact information. Verification may take up to 24 hours. *Any services or procedures not covered by insurance are the responsibility of the patient.*
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